Sunday, 19 August 2012

penjelasan hukum hudud pada negara islam malaysia

saya meminta masyarakat islam memahami terlebih dahulu hukum-hukum hudud , bukan menjadikan hukum itu mainan politik anda yang mana anda belum faham , malah jika mengikut penjelasan DR yusof qardawi haruslah lebih banyak pendetilan dan syarat-syaratnya .. mari kita lihat dan fahaminya 

In this Interview Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi explains the general principle of Sharia to be implemented gradually. He suggested for first five years people should know about what is Sharia and why it came to world to benefit humanity. He said there should not be any chopping of hands and any Hudud until there is no hunger, poverty, education and healthcare for all, marriage for bachelors. He also endorsed the candidacy of Abdel Moneim Abul Futuh in this video.

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