Monday, 6 December 2010

Shahidan saran Facebook disekat jika terus gugat keselamatan

December 06, 2010

Allegedly offensive content on a Facebook page has moved Shahidan to call for the service to be barred. — Reuters pic

KANGAR, 6 Dis – Anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim hari ini mencadangkan agar laman sosial facebook disekat jika ia terus menggugat keselamatan negara.

Beliau berkata saranan agar sekatan dikenakan itu ekoran terdapat pengguna yang mengambil kesempatan atas kecanggihan teknologi untuk menghina agama Islam dan pemimpin negara.

“Jika mengancam keselamatan negara dan wujud unsur penghinaan terhadap agama, maka tidak perlu ada facebook,” katanya.

Beliau ditemui pemberita selepas mengiringi Persatuan Facebook Perlis membuat laporan polis berhubung isu penghinaan terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam sebuah laman sosial facebook, di balai polis Kangar, di sini hari ini.

Laporan polis itu dibuat oleh Timbalan Presiden Persatuan Facebook Perlis Mohd Faizuddin Ismail kira-kira 5.30 petang.

Selain laporan polis, laporan di Jabatan Agama Islam negeri berhubung isu itu akan dibuat berikutan tindakan pemilik akaun laman sosial itu menghina agama Islam.

Shahidan berkata penghinaan terhadap kedua-dua pemimpin negara itu di laman sosial terbabit disedari oleh anggota persatuan berkenaan pada 29 Nov lepas kira-kira 10.30 malam.

Shahidan, yang juga Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Tambun Tulang berkata pihak Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) perlu mengambil tindakan sewajarnya ke atas pemilik akaun laman sosial itu.

Selain SKMM, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia dan Majlis Fatwa Negara juga perlu mengambil tindakan ke atas pemilik akaun yang menghina agama Islam. – Bernama


KANGAR, Dec 6 — Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim today called for the blocking of the Facebook social networking website if its contents continue to pose a threat to national security.

He said a Facebook account holder was found to have taken advantage of the technology to insult Islam and leaders of Malaysia.

“If the website content poses a threat to national security and insults Islam, then it is unnecessary to have Facebook,” he told reporters after accompanying Perlis Facebook Association committee members to lodge a report at the Kangar police station on the insults hurled at Prime Minister Seri Najib Razak and former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on a Facebook page.

The report was lodged by the association’s deputy president, Mohd Faizuddin Ismail, at about 5.30 pm.

Shahidan said a report would also be lodged at the State Islamic Religious Department as the holder of the Facebook account had also insulted Islam, and added that the insults hurled at Najib and Mahathir were discovered by a member of the association on November 29.

Shahidan, who is Tambun Tulang assemblyman, said the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the Malaysian Islamic Development Department and the National Fatwa Council should act against the holder of the Facebook account. — Bernama


  1. BULLSHIT if you want to ban a social networking site, my as well ban ALL social networking sites, ban Youtube, ban blogspots and ban every media that can be used to spread words. That's the stupidest idea I ever heard.

  2. Huh? What have you been smoking?

  3. Problem 1: Lots of Premarital sex,
    Actual solution: Better sex education
    Shahidan's Solution: Ban sex

    Problem 2: Government Badmouthing through SMS
    Actual solution: If it is not true, it will go away soon enough
    Shahidan's Solution: Ban telecomunicaitons

    Problem 3: Pickpocket cases on KTM, LRT and Monorail Services
    Actual solution: More frequent trains and reinforced security
    Shahidan's solution: Ban commuter services

    Do you need more example's to show your logic is buried 20 feet under?

  4. If i am not mistaken, some policemen caused the death of a teenager.. they "mengancam keselamatan negara" as quoted.
    Recently, there was also one examiner of spm who uttered some racist remarks, hence "wujud unsur penghinaan terhadap agama" or in this case race.
    Since there are similar cases involving policemen and examiners, maka tidak perlu ada facebook(or in this case policemen and examiners)

    Dato Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim,
    Stupidity is also a gift of "God", but one mustn't misuse it.


    u better go and read the links above and have a better understanding...

  6. banyak saya lihat mereka yang berblog yang berkempen untuk umno banyak sekali menghina islam dan pemimpin islam.

  7. msn-ban it!!!
    skype-ban it!!!
    tumblr-ban it!!!
    friendster-ban it!!!
    blogspot-ban it!!! cannot...coz through this he can express his feeling and he need at least 1 things that he only know how to use.

  8. How you get your title Dr ??
    totally insult the important of social networking....
    BTW, 1 vote is lost for your party next year election. (my first vote in my life is not for you !)

  9. this is not a way to stop the cases... although already ban facebook... the problem still will be happening... if really want to ban for SOLVE the problem... why don't just ban internet and telecomunication? Technology also content a threat to national security and insults ISLAM... so must stop development too? Please think wisely... Spend the time wisely to find a way to catch out the criminal for public and national security...
